Predavanje Prof. dr. Antoni Džaume Kapo

U petak, 24.5. u sali 316, Prof. dr. Antoni Džaume Kapo, sa Univerziteta na Majorci (Španija), održaće predavanje pod nazivom:



U predavanju će govoriti o metodama mašinskog učenja sa primenom na medicinskim slikama, a koje se planiraju i za detekciju vozila u pametnim gradovima.

We expose our research lines and projects in medical images analysis for diagnosis support using machine learning. Concretely, we introduce a general methodology to select the best features and classifiers for a defined problem. We present case of study for different diseases: sickle cell anemia, onychomycosis, and melanomas. From our experience, next year we start a project about smart cities to track the traffic. It can seem that is not related to medical images, but the methodology to detect a vehicle is very similar. We need to select the best features to feed the classifiers in order to track the traffic.

IMAGE Svečana dodela diploma (27.1.2024.) - Galerija fotografija
Pogledajte fotografije sa svečane dodele diploma, održane 27. januara 2024. godine.

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