Privredna komora Srbije kao suorganizator 37. Comtrade Beogradskog maratona raspisuje konkurs za Eko volontere potrebne za realizaciju Maratonskog Ploging izazova. Beogradski maraton kao prestižno i najmasovnije sportsko takmičenje u Srbiji biće održan u nedelju 28. aprila 2024. godine uz učešće rekordnih 13.000 sportista iz 70 zemalja, kao i dve hiljade ljudi zaduženih za organizaciju.

Koga tražimo?

Tražimo volontere koji su posvećeni zaštiti životne sredine, imaju timski duh i spremni su da pomognu u čišćenju grada. Eko volonteri biće angažovani tokom održavanja maratona, u periodu od 8 do 16 časova kao podrška učesnicima Ploging izazova u prikupljanju ambalažnog otpada u džakove, za evidentiranje rezultata Eko družina i komunikaciju u Eko štabu. Organizator će obezbediti majice, osveženje, i zahvalnice, kao i odgovarajuću novčanu nagradu u skladu sa individualnim doprinosom volontera.

Pozivamo sve zainteresovane da se prijave do petka, 19. aprila u ponoć ovde. Kandidati koji uđu u uži izbor biće pozvani na intervju u ponedeljak, 22.04.2024. u prostorijama PKS ili 23.04.2024. online.

Više informacija o Maratonskom Ploging izazovu možete pronaći u prilogu (pdf).

Kontakt osoba za dodatne informacije je Ivana Putnik, viši savetnik za cirkularnu ekonomiju PKS

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Na sednici Senata održanoj 20. marta 2024. godine doneta je Odluka o raspisivanju Konkursa za najbolji naučno-istraživački i stručni rad studenata za 2023. godinu, koji Vam dostavljamo u prilogu.

Konkurs je raspisan u skladu sa  Pravilnikom o nagrađivanju studenata Univerziteta u Beogradu (Glasnik Univerziteta u Beogradu, br. 252/24) i objavljen na internet stranici Univerziteta u Beogradu na sledećim link adresama,

Oglas u celini može da se pogleda ovde (pdf).


The University of Ljubljana is looking for motivated young researchers to join our university under the supervision of renowned mentors.

We offer more than 100 funded Ph.D. positions that provide full salary and benefits for Ph.D. students. With 22 Ph.D. degree programmes and more than 2.200 Ph.D. students, the University of Ljubljana is the largest research institution in Slovenia. Our Young Researchers positions are fully funded, and we provide the students with a challenging training environment, world-class research facilities, a collaborative environment, working in the international community, excellent career opportunities, and a clear mentoring system.

Ljubljana offers not only a highly recognized research area but also enjoys an excellent reputation of being among the top 10 safest countries. With a Master’s degree (the study programme, with which you enroll in a doctoral degree programme) and excellent English skills candidates are welcome to apply to Young Researcher positions.




Član 1.

Raspisuje se Konkurs za dodelu 10 (deset) finansijskih podrški za stručno i naučno usavršavanje studenata Univerziteta u Beogradu...

Odluka u celini može da se pogleda ovde (pdf).

Prijava za dodelu finansijske podrške u stručnom i naučnom usavršavanjumože da se pogleda ovde (pdf).

In cooperation with the German National Academic Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes), the Alfred Toepfer Foundation is offering a new scholarship programme, the You and Europe Scholarship Programme, which is aimed at students who would like to complete a full Master's programme in Germany starting winter semester 2024 and have a strong interest in a European exchange.

The scholarship includes the following benefits:

- A scholarship of at least €300 per month up to a maximum of €1.112 (calculated according to income).

- Two annual network meetings on European topics and optional participation in Europe-specific educational programmes offered by the Studienstiftung, such as the Europa-Akademie, an EU simulation game or a digital Europe-themed series. The costs for accommodation, meals and programme fees are covered and travel expenses are subsidised.

- Use of a digital programme area as an exchange and networking platform in the Studienstiftung forum.

- Admission to the Studienstiftung's peer programme. On request, the Studienstiftung will appoint a Studienstiftung scholarship holder at the university location who will act as a direct contact person for the newcomers and advise and support them on site.

- For students from EU countries and EU accession countries, admission to the Studienstiftung scholarship programme.

The programme is for students of all disciplines and for binational degree courses at universities and universities of applied sciences. It is not available to students at universities of art and music or at universities of applied sciences in the visual and performing arts, design, film and music programmes.

The programme is aimed at the following countries: Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Switzerland, United Kingdom

In order to apply for the programme, students must be nominated by a university lecturer. This nomination can be made until 15 March 2024. The deadline for submitting all application documents is 31 March 2024.

Attached you will find all the important information about the programme, just like on the programme page


More details in this document (pdf).

IMAGE Svečana dodela diploma (27.1.2024.) - Galerija fotografija
Pogledajte fotografije sa svečane dodele diploma, održane 27. januara 2024. godine.

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