Conference papers and publications
Journal papers
J.R. Künnen, A. Strauss, N. Ivanov, R. Jovanović, F. Fichert
"Leveraging demand-capacity balancing to reduce air traffic emissions and improve overall network performance"
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Vol. 174, pp. 103716, 2023.
J.R. Künnen, A. Strauss, N. Ivanov, R. Jovanović, F. Fichert, S. Starita
"Cross-border capacity planning in air traffic management under uncertainty"
Transportation Science, Articles in advance, 2023.
L. Serrano-Mira, L. Pérez Sanz, J. A. Pérez-Castán, F. Netjasov, I. García Moreno, E. S. Ayra
"Preliminary Feasibility Study of the Ad Hoc Separation Operational Concept"
Aerospace Vol. 10(6), 539, 2023.
E. Ganić, F. Rajé, N. van Oosten
New perspectives on spatial and temporal aspects of aircraft noise: Dynamic noise maps for Heathrow airport
Journal of Transport Geography, Vol. 106, pp. 103527, 2023.
A. Svorcan, B.Mirković
"Runway capacity analysis at Nis Airport" (in Serbian)
Tehnika, Vol. 78(2), pp. 207-212, 2023.
N. Zijadić, E. Ganić, M. Bračić, I. Štimac
"Impact of Aircraft Delays on Population Noise Exposure in Airport’s Surroundings"
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol. 19(15):8921, 2022.
S. Zoraja, F. Netjasov
"The Concept of Drone Operations in the Urban Areas"
Tehnika, Vol. 76 (3), pp. 345-351, 2021.
J. Sekulić, F. Netjasov
"Modelling of Runway Excursions Using Fault Tree Analysis"
Tehnika, Vol. 76 (4), pp. 475-482, 2021.
J. Ivošević, E. Ganić, A. Petošić, T. Radišić
"Comparative UAV Noise-Impact Assessments through Survey and Noise Measurements"
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol. 18(12):6202, 2021.
E. Ganić, J. Ivošević, B. Mirković
"Impact of aircraft noise on communities near Belgrade Airport"
Promet - Traffic&Transportation, Vol. 33(3), 2021.
E. Ganić, F. Márki, D. Schreckenberg
"The population’s daily movement and activities: Does it matter for aircraft noise impact assessment?"
International Airport Review, Vol. 25(01), pp. 30–32, 2021.
N.Lukacević, E. Ganić, B.Mirković
Assessment of Noise Impact of Aircraft Operations around Podgorica Airport
Journal of Air Transport Studies, Vol. 12(2), pp. 64-81, 2021.
S. Starita, A. Strauss, X. Fei, R. Jovanović, N. Ivanov, G. Pavlović, F. Fichert
"Air Traffic Control Capacity Planning under Demand and Capacity Provision Uncertainty"
Transportation Science, Vol. 54(4), pp. 882-896, 2020.
V. Tošić, B. Mirković
"Investigating Untapped Capacity at Single-Runway Airports using Short Final Curved Approach, Dual Glide Slope, and Double Threshold"
Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2674(9), pp. 1136-1146, 2020.
B. Mirković, E. Ganić
"Measures to reduce pollutant emissions from taxiing aircraft at Belgrade airport" (in serbian)
Tehnika, Vol. 75(6), pp. 759-766, 2020.
T. Krstić Simić, O. Babić
"Influence of airport airside area layouts and air traffic management tactics on flight cost efficiency"
Transportation Planning and Technology, Vol. 43(2), pp.208-222, 2020.
F.Sovilj, B.Mirković
"General concepts of crossborder airports"
Tehnika, Vol. 74(3), pp. 433-439, 2019.
V. Ho-Huu, E. Ganić, S. Hartjes, O. Babić, and R. Curran
"Air traffic assignment based on daily population mobility to reduce aircraft noise effects and fuel consumption"
Transportation Research Part D, Vol. 72, pp. 127–147, 2019.
F. Netjasov, D. Crnogorac, G. Pavlović
"Potential safety occurrences as indicators of air traffic management safety performance: A network based simulation model"
Transportation Research Part C, Vol. 102, pp. 490-508, 2019.
N. Ivanov, R. Jovanović, F. Fichert, A. Strauss, S. Starita, O. Babić, G. Pavlović
"Coordinated capacity and demand management in a redesigned Air Traffic Management value-chain"
Journal of Air Transport Management, Vol. 75, pp. 139-152, 2019.
D. Timotić, F. Netjasov
"Modelling of Runway Excursions with Bayesian Belief Networks"
Tehnika, Vol. 74(1), pp. 105-112, 2019.
T. Krstić Simić, R. Jovanović, B. Stojiljković
"Airport Emission Charges – Economic Measures Towards Sustainable Airport Development" (in serbian)
Tehnika, Vol. 74(1), pp. 113-120, 2019.
M. Đorem, F. Netjasov
"Third party risk modelling in surrounding of Airport Belgrade"
Tehnika, Vol. 73(4), pp. 549-556, 2018.
E. Ganić, O. Babić, M. Čangalović, M. Stanojević
"Air traffic assignment to reduce population noise exposure using activity-based approach"
Transportation Research Part D, Vol. 63, pp. 58–71, 2018.
B. Mirković, V. Tošić, P. Kanzler, M. Hoehenberger
"Airport Apron Roundabout – Operational Concept and Capacity Evaluation"
Transportation Research Part C, special issue: Airport Surface Operations, Vol. 80, pp. 439-453, 2017.
B.Mirković, V.Tošić
"The difference between hub and non-hub airports – An airside capacity perspective"
Journal of Air Transport Management, Vol. 62, pp.121-128, 2017.
N. Ivanov, F. Netjasov, R. Jovanović, S. Starita, A. Strauss
"Air Traffic Flow Management slot allocation to minimize propagated delay and improve airport slot adherence"
Transportation Research Part A, Vol. 95, pp. 183–197, 2017.
B. Mirković, V. Tošić
"Apron capacity at hub airports – the impact of wave-system structure"
Journal of Advanced Transportation, Vol. 50(7), pp.1489-1505, 2016.
B.Mirković, A. Vidosavljević, V.Tošić
"A tool to support resource allocation at small-to-medium seasonal airports"
Journal of Air Transport Management, Vol.53, pp. 54-64, 2016.
E. Ganić, M. Dobrota, O. Babić
"Noise abatement measures at airports: Contributing factors and mutual dependence"
Applied Acoustics, Vol. 112, pp. 32-40, 2016.
T. Tasić, B. Mirković
"Level of service in airport passenger terminals" (in Serbian)
Tehnika, Vol.63(3), pp. 449-456, 2016.
N. Ivanov, R. Jovanović
"An insight into airline dynamic pricing practices in emerging markets: Effects of low cost carriers' presence on routes from Belgrade'Nikola Tesla'airport"
Tehnika, Vol. 71(1), pp.119–126, 2016.
T. Krstić Simić, O. Babić
"Airport Traffic Complexity and Environment Efficiency Metrics for Evaluation of ATM Measures"
Journal of Air Transport Management, Vol. 42, pp. 260-271, 2015.
V. Bilotkach, S. Gitto, R. Jovanović, J. Mueller, E. Pels
"Cost-efficiency benchmarking of European air navigation service providers"
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Vol. 77, pp. 50-60, 2015.
E. Ganić, F. Netjasov, O. Babić
"Analysis of noise abatement measures on European airports"
Applied Acoustics, Vol. 92, pp. 115-123, 2015.
T. Krstić Simić, O. Babić
"Influence of Air Traffic Control Management Tactics on Airport Efficiency" (in Serbian)
Tehnika , Vol. 70(4), pp. 673-680, 2015.
"Regulations and practice concerning noise-related restrictions in Serbia"
Tehnika, Vol. 70(3), pp. 501-508, 2015.
S. Cvijetić, F. Netjasov
"Functional Resonance Analysis Method and its application on mid-air collision over Zagreb" (in Serbian)
Tehnika, Vol. 70(2), pp. 324-330, 2015.
E. Ganić, F. Netjasov, O. Babić
"Analysis of noise abatement measures on European airports"
Safety Engineering (Inženjerstvo Zaštite), Vol. 4(2), pp. 81-90, 2014.
R. Jovanović, V. Tošić, M. Čangalović, M. Stanojević
"Anticipatory modulation of air navigation charges to balance the use of airspace network capacities"
Transportation Research Part A, Vol. 61, pp. 84-99, 2014.
B. Mirković, V. Tošić
"Airport Apron Capacity – Estimation, Representation and Flexibility"
Journal of Advanced Transportation, special issue: Methodological Advances in European Transport Research, Vol. 48, pp. 97-118, 2014.
F. Netjasov, O. Babić
"Framework for airspace planning and design based on conflict risk assessment, Part 3: Conflict risk assessment model for airspace strategic planning"
Transportation Research Part C, Vol. 32, pp. 31-47, 2013.
F. Netjasov, A. Vidosavljević, V. Tošić, H. Blom,
"Development, Validation and Application of Stochastically and Dynamically Coloured Petri Net Model of ACAS Operations for Safety Assessment Purposes"
Transportation Research Part C , Vol. 33, pp. 167-195, 2013.
Z. Belotić, F. Netjasov,
"Engineered Materials Arresting System"
Tehnika , Vol. 68(6), pp. 1099-1104, 2013.
F. Netjasov
"Contemporary measures for noise reduction in airport surroundings"
Applied Acoustics , Vol. 73(10), pp. 1068-1077, 2012.
F. Netjasov
"Framework for airspace planning and design based on conflict risk assessment: Part 2: Conflict risk assessment model for airspace tactical planning"
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Vol. 24, pp. 213-226, 2012.
F. Netjasov
"Framework for airspace planning and design based on conflict risk assessment: Part 1: Conflict risk assessment model for airspace strategic planning"
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Vol. 24, pp. 190-212, 2012.
R. Jovanović
"Economic Measures for Air Traffic Flow Management" (in Serbian)
Tehnika, Vol. 66(6), pp. 983-988, 2011.
B.Mirković, V. Andrić, O.Babić
"Concepts of ATM system reorganization – European case"
Tehnika, Vol. 66(5), pp. 804-816, 2011.
F. Netjasov, M. Janić, V. Tošić
"Developing a generic metric of terminal airspace traffic complexity"
Transportmetrica, Vol. 7(5), pp. 369-394, 2011.
F. Netjasov
"Contemporary measures for noise reduction in airport surroundings"
Tehnika, Vol. 66(3), pp. 459-464, 2011.
2005 - 2010
R. Jovanović, L. Castelli, O. Babić, V. Tošić
" Effects on Airline Costs of Different Air Traffic Management Scenarios: An Assessment Method Based on Fast-time Simulation Outputs "
International Journal of Transport Economics, Vol. XXXVII(3), pp. 327-352, 2010.
S. Dožić, M. Kalić, O. Babić
"Models to Solve Airline Schedule Perturbation Problem"
Tehnika, Vol. 57(6), pp. 1-12, 2010.
O. Babić, M. Kalić, G. Pavković, S. Dožić, M. Čangalović
"Heuristic approach to the airline schedule disturbances problem"
Transportation Planning and Technology, Vol. 33(3), pp. 257-280, 2010.
F. Netjasov
"A Model of Air Traffic Assignment as a Measure for Mitigating Noise at Airports: The Zurich Airport Case"
Transportation Planning and Technology, Vol. 31(5), pp. 487-508, 2008.
F. Netjasov, M. Janić
"A Review of Research on Risk and Safety Modelling in Civil Aviation"
Journal of Air Transport Management, Vol. 14, pp. 213-220, 2008.
M. Paskota, O. Babić
"Correspondence Analysis in Examination of Reasons for Flight Schedule Perturbations"
Journal of the Brazilian Air Transportation Research Society, Vol. 2(2), pp.9-23, 2006.
M. Paskota, O. Babić, M. Kalić
"The analysis of airline schedule perturbations based on database of realized flights of JAT Airways in 2002"
Tehnika, Vol. 52(1), pp. 7-22, 2005.
Before 2005
O. Babić, V. Sovilj, G. Pavković
"Information system for design of daily operational flight schedule"
Tehnika, Vol. 51(4), pp. 1-14, 2004.
O. Babić, T. Krstić,
"Airspace daily operational sectorization by fuzzy logic"
Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 116(1), pp. 49-64, 2000.
Z. Radosavljević, O. Babić
"Assigning Fighter Plane Formations to Enemy Aircraft using Fuzzy Logic"
Transportation Planning and Technology, Vol. 23, pp 353-368, 2000.
V. Tošić, O. Babić, M. Čangalović, Đ. Hohlačov
"Some Models and Algorithms for En Route Air Traffic Flow Management"
Transportation Planning and Technology, Vol. 19(2), pp. 147-164, 1995.
V. Tošić, O. Babić
"Air Route Flow Management - Problems and Research Efforts"
Transportation Planning and Technology, Vol. 19(1), pp. 63-72, 1995.
V. Tošić
Review of Airport Passenger Terminal Operations Analysis and Modelling"
Transportation Research, Vol.26A(1), pp. 3-26, 1992.
V.Tošić, D.Teodorović, O.Babić
"Optimum Runway Exit Location"
Transportation Planning and Technology, Vol.10(2), pp. 135-145, 1985.
V. Tošić, O. Babić
"Quantitative Evaluation of Passenger Terminal Orientation"
Journal of Advanced Transportation, Vol.18(3), pp. 297-295, 1984.
O. Babić, D. Teodorović, V. Tošić
"Aircraft Stand Assignment to Minimize Walking"
Journal of Transportation Engineering, ASCE, Vol.110(1), pp. 55-66, 1984.
M.Janic, V.Tosic
"Terminal Airspace Capacity Model"
Transportation Research, Vol.16A(4), pp. 253-260, 1982.
V. Tošić, R. Horonjeff
"Effect of Multiple Approach Path Procedures on Runway Landing Capacity"
Transportation Research, Vol.10(5), pp. 319-329, 1976.
Conference papers and publications
S. Gavrić, A. Stevanović, N. Mitrović, F. Netjasov, J. Rakas
Development and Preliminary Evaluation of Unified Urban Surface and Air Mobility Management
Transportation Research Board, 102nd Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, 8-12 January 2023.
L. Serrano Mira, F. Netjasov, L. Perez Sanz, J. A. Perez Castan
"Aircraft encounter simulation model for studying losses of separations"
Aerospace 2022 - International Conference and Expo on Aerospace and Aeronautical Engineering, Webinar, 8-10 December 2022.
J.R. Künnen, A. Strauss, N. Ivanov, R. Jovanović, F. Fichert, M. Melgosa, G. Pavlović
"Effects of capacity sharing on delays and re-routings in European ATM: results of an ECAC-level simulation study"
The 12th SESAR Innovation Days (SID 2022), Budapest, Hungary, 5-8 December 2022.
S. Dozic, K. Kukic, M. Kalic, D. Babic, T. Krstic Simic, A. Colovic, M. Ottomanelli
“How European Travelers Make Decisions Regarding Airport Access Mode Choice”
12th SESAR Innovation Days, SID 2022, Budapest, Hungary, 5-8 December 2022.
D. Babic, A. Colovic, S. Dozic, M. Kalic, T. Krstic Simic, K. Kukic, M. Ottomanelli, S. Gabriele Pilone
“Towards seamless door-to-door travelling within Europe: Transport operators’ and passengers’ perspectives”
Transport Research Arena (TRA 2022), Lisbon, Portugal, 14-17 November 2022.
A. Markovic, J. Ivoševic, E. Ganic
Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the noise exposure of population around Split Airport
International Scientific Conference “The Science and Development of Transport - Znanost i razvitak prometa” (ZIRP 2022)
Transportation Research Procedia, Vol. 64, pp. 378–387, 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.trpro.2022.09.041.
A. Gajicki, E. Ganic
Possible differences in the CNOSSOS-EU implementation between different versions of the same software
Proceedings of 27th International conference Noise and Vibration, pp. 39–44, Niš, Serbia, 19 – 21 October 2022.
D. Timotić, F. Netjasov
"Automation in Air Traffic Control: Trust, Teamwork, Resilience, Safety"
11th International Conference on Air Transport – INAIR 2022, Bratislava, Slovakia, 9–10 November 2022
Transportation Research Procedia 65(3), pp. 13-23.
N.Lukacević, B.Mirković, M.Ðogatović, E. Ganić Simulation model for estimation of aircraft emissions at Airport Podgorica 11th International Conference on Air Transport – INAIR 2022, Bratislava, Slovakia, 9–10 November 2022.
Transportation Research Procedia 2022, Vol. 65, pp. 180-189.
N. Zijadic, E. Ganic
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on population noise exposure in the vicinity of Sarajevo Airport
27th International conference Noise and Vibration, Niš, Serbia, October 19 – 21, 2022, pp. 75–80.
B. Mirković, D. Timotić, F. Netjasov, D. Crnogorac, C. E. Verdonk Gallego, C. Xia
SEESAW Concept: Data-driven Approach for Safety and Resilience Integration in Air Traffic Management
12th EASN International Conference on Innovationa in Aviation and Space for Opening New Horizons, Barcelona, Spain, 18-21 October 2022.
B. Mirković
Simple airports are not that simple when it comes to airside capacity analysis
12th EASN International Conference on Innovationa in Aviation and Space for Opening New Horizons, Barcelona, Spain, 18-21 October 2022.
N.Lukacević, B.Mirković, A.Uzelac, K.Kukuc
Analysis of Meteorological Conditions for Potential Airport Development
Proceedings of SYM-OP-IS 2022 (49th International Symposium of Operations Research) at session "Traffic, Transport and Communication", pp. 569-574, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia, 19-22 September 2022.
D. Timotić, B. Mirković, I. Buselli, F. Netjasov, C. Xia, C. E. Verdonk Gallego
Influence of Automation Changes on Go-Around Operations: A Data Driven Approach
Proceedings of SYM-OP-IS 2022 (49th International Symposium of Operations Research) at session "Traffic, Transport and Communication", pp. 575-580, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia, 19-22 September 2022.
L. Serrano Mira, F. Netjasov, L. Perez Sanz, J. A. Perez Castan
"Aircraft Encounter Characterization: A Scenario-Based Simulation Approach"
Proceedings of SYM-OP-IS 2022 (49th International Symposium of Operations Research) at session "Traffic, Transport and Communication", pp. 563 - 568, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia, 19-22 September 2022.
J.R. Künnen, A. Strauss, N. Ivanov, R. Jovanović, F. Fichert
"Network-oriented planning of cross-border capacity provision to increase resilience and improve performance"
FABEC research workshop on Single European Sky and Resilience in ATM, Sofia, Bulgaria, 15-16 September 2022.
G. Pavlović, R. Jovanović, M. Stanojević
“How many air traffic controllers do we (actually) need? Rostering flexibility and its impact on staffing requirements and productivity of area control centres”
25th World Conference of Air Transport Research Society, Antwerp, Belgium, 24-27 August 2022.
F. Fichert, N. Ivanov, R. Jovanović, A. Strauss, J-R. Kuennen, M. Melgosa, J. Kuljanin
“Advanced Capacity and Demand Management for European Network Performance Optimization”
25th World Conference of Air Transport Research Society, Antwerp, Belgium, 24-27 August 2022.
M. Melgosa, J. Kuljanin, R. Jovanović, F. Fichert
“A room for flexible products in Air Traffic Management? Results of a stated-preference survey of airspace users”
25th World Conference of Air Transport Research Society, Antwerp, Belgium, 24-27 August 2022.
J-R. Kuennen, A. Strauss, N. Ivanov, R. Jovanović, F. Fichert
“Improving flight efficiency and reducing emissions through demand-capacity balancing in European ATM”
25th World Conference of Air Transport Research Society, Antwerp, Belgium, 24-27 August 2022.
G. Pavlović, R. Jovanović, M. Stanojević,
"Rostering practices and ATCO productivity in Area Control Centres: How much spare capacity is there and how to make best use of it?"
The 10th International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT) 2022, Tampa, Florida, USA, 19 – 23 June 2022.
I. Stipanović, S. Škarić Palić, M. Bačić, M. S. Kovačević, K. Gavin, E. Ganić, E
"Flood risks to critical infrastructure – case study of city of Karlovac"
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Road and Rail Infrastructure (CETRA), pp. 603–610, Pula, Croatia, 11-13 May 2022.
S. Starita, A. Strauss, R. Jovanović, N. Ivanov, F. Fichert
"Strategic Cross-Border Capacity Planning Under Uncertainty"
The 11th SESAR Innovation Days (SID 2021), Virtual, 7-9 December 2021.
B. Mirković, D. Timotić, F. Netjasov, C. Verdonk Gallego
"Proposal for safety and resilience validation of the new concepts" (poster)
The 11th SESAR Innovation Days (SID 2021), Virtual, 7-9 December 2021.
A. Maslovara, B. Mirković
"Impact of Tailwind on Airport Capacity and Delay at Zurich Airport"
10th International Conference on Air Transport, INAIR 2021, Malta, 3-4 November 2021.
Transportation Research Procedia, Vol. 59, pp. 117–126.
N. Lukačević, E. Ganić, B. Mirković
"Assessment of Noise Impact of Aircraft Operations around Podgorica Airport"
Presented at Aviation Management and Economics Conference (AMEC) 2021, "Aviation and the environment", hosted by the Dublin City University Business School, Ireland, Online, 29-30 November 2021.
J. Sekulić, F. Netjasov
"Modelling of Runway Excursions Using Fault Tree Analysis" (in Serbian)
Proceedings of SYM-OP-IS 2021 (48th International Symposium of Operations Research) at session "Traffic, Transport and Communication", pp. 603-608, Banja Koviljača, Serbia, 20-23 September 2021.
D. Timotić, M. Kalić
"Complex Network Theory and its Applications in Air Transport" (in Serbian)
Proceedings of SYM-OP-IS 2021 (48th International Symposium of Operations Research) at session "Traffic, Transport and Communication", pp. 615-620, Banja Koviljača, Serbia, 20-23 September 2021.
D. Timotić, K. Halaj, M. Paskota, F. Netjasov
"The Analysis of Influential Factors of Unsafe Events at Airports Using Multivariation Statistical Analysis Methods" (in Serbian)
Proceedings of SYM-OP-IS 2021 (48th International Symposium of Operations Research) at session "Traffic, Transport and Communication", pp. 621-626, Banja Koviljača, Serbia, 20-23 September 2021.
S. Zoraja, F. Netjasov
"The Concept of Drone Operations in the Urban Areas: Development and Testing" (in Serbian)
Proceedings of SYM-OP-IS 2021 (48th International Symposium of Operations Research) at session "Traffic, Transport and Communication", pp. 627-632, Banja Koviljača, Serbia, 20-23 September 2021.
J. Belić, B. Mirković, M. Djogatović, T. Krstić Simić
"Simulation Model for Pollutants Emission Calculation at Belgrade Airport" (in Serbian)
Proceedings of SYM-OP-IS 2021 (48th International Symposium of Operations Research) at session "Traffic, Transport and Communication", pp. 635-640, Banja Koviljača, Serbia, 20-23 September 2021.
G. Pavlović, B. Mirković, M. Djogatović
"Simulation Model of Airside Operations at Nis Airport and Validation by Models Comparison" (in Serbian)
Proceedings of SYM-OP-IS 2021 (48th International Symposium of Operations Research) at session "Traffic, Transport and Communication", pp. 647-652, Banja Koviljača, Serbia, 20-23 September 2021.
T. Pejović, D. Crnogorac, F. Netjasov
"Influence of FRA Implementation on Traffic, Safety, Complexity, and Workload in MUAC Airspace"
The 10th SESAR Innovation Days (SID 2020), Virtual, 7-10 December 2020.
E. Ganić, N. van Oosten, L. Meliveo, S. Jeram, T. Louf, J. J. Ramasco,
"Dynamic noise maps for Ljubljana airport"
The 10th SESAR Innovation Days (SID 2020), Virtual, 7-10 December 2020.
T. Pejović, D. Crnogorac, F. Netjasov
"Relationship and Interdependencies between Traffic, Safety, Complexity and Workload in MUAC Airspace",
Research Workshop "Interdependencies within ATM Performance in the context of a dynamic environment", Virtual, 23-25 October 2020.
D.Timotić, B.Mirković, G.Savić
"The operational efficiency analysis of airports with two-runway system",
Proceedings of SYM-OP-IS 2020 (47th Symposium of Operations Research), session "Traffic, Transportation and Communication", pp. 404-408, Belgrade, Serbia, 20-23 September 2020.
D. Timotić, F. Netjasov, S. Čičević
"Investigation of Relationship Between Trust in Automation and Human Personality Among Air Traffic Controllers",
The 9th International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT) 2020, Virtual, 15 September 2020.
N. Mitrović, A. Stevanović, F. Netjasov,
"Unified Traffic Management for Urban Surface and Air Mobility",
Transportation Research Board, 99th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, 12-16 January 2020.
V. Tošić, B. Mirković
"Untapped Capacity at Single-Runway Airports: Short Final Curved Approach, Double Glide Slope and Double Threshold"
Transportation Research Board, 99th Annual Meeting, session "Impact of Airspace Users on Capacity", Washington DC, USA, 12-16 January 2020.
T. Pejović, F. Netjasov, D. Crnogorac
"Analysis of Relationship between Air Traffic Demand, Safety and Complexity in FABEC Airspace",
The 9th SESAR Innovation Days (SID 2019), Athens, Greece, 3-5 December 2019.
B. Mirković, F. Sovilj
Cross-border Airport Concepts
Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Air Transport, INAIR 2019, Budapest, Hungary, November 12-13, 2019, session "Airport Operations and Design";
Transport Research Procedia, 2019, Vol. 43, pp. 227-235
T. Pejović, F. Netjasov, D. Crnogorac
"Relationship Between Air Traffic Demand, Safety and Complexity in High Density Airspace in Europe",
4th International Cross-industry Safety Conference (ICSC),
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 9-11, 2019.
D. Timotić, F. Netjasov, M. Đogatović,
"Monte Carlo Simulation of Runway Excursion Bayesian Belief Network Model",
Proceedings of SYM-OP-IS 2019 (46th Symposium of Operations Research) at session "Simulation and Stochastic Models", pp. 693 – 698, Kladovo, Serbia, 15-18 September 2019.
G. Pavlović, B. Mirković
Simulation of Airside Operations at Nis Airport
Proceedings of SYM-OP-IS 2019 (46th Symposium of Operations Research) at session "Simulation and Stochastic Models",
Kladovo, Serbia, September 15-18, 2019, pp. 687-692
S. Šljukić, M. Đogatović, B. Mirković
Simulation Model for Determining the Location of Runway Exit in Dependency of Runway Occupancy Time
Proceedings of SYM-OP-IS 2019 (46th Symposium of Operations Research) at session "Simulation and Stochastic Models",
Kladovo, Serbia, September 15-18, 2019, pp. 705-710
B. Mirković
Making best use of airport airside capacity
Engage Summer School, University of Belgrade – Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering,
Belgrade, September 9-13, 2019
F. Netjasov, B. Mirković, T. Krstić Simić, O. Babić, F. Comendador, R. Valdes, D. Pérez,
"Identification of Safety Critical Hazards to Support Future Air Traffic Controller Training"
23rd Air Transport Research Society (ATRS) World Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 2-5, 2019, session "Air Traffic Control 2",
T. Krstić Simić, O. Babić,
"Influence of Airfield Operations Management on Flights Time and Cost Efficiency",
23rd Air Transport Research Society (ATRS) World Conference,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 2-5, 2019
F. Netjasov, D. Crnogorac, G. Pavlović,
"Safety Performance Indicators of the Future Air Traffic Management System: Assessment Based on Network Simulation Model",
Transportation Research Board, 98th Annual Meeting,
Washington DC, USA, January 13-17, 2019.
E. Ganić, V. Ho-Huu, O. Babić, and S. Hartjes
"Air traffic assignment to reduce population noise exposure and fuel consumption using multi-criteria optimisation"
26th International Conference "Noise and Vibration," University of Niš, Faculty of Occupational Safety
Nis, Serbia, December 6-7, 2018, pp. 69–76.
R. Jovanović, N. Ivanov, G. Pavlović, O. Babić, F. Fichert, A. Strauss, S. Starita
"Coordinated capacity and demand management in the European core area. Results of a large scale COCTA case study."
The 8th SESAR Innovation Days (SID2018), Salcburg, Austria, 3-7 December 2018.
P.Vanjković, B. Mirković, D.Timotić
SESAR 1 Solutions Implementation: Key Featurе-High Performing Airport Operations
The SESAR Innovation Days (SID2018), Salcburg, Austria, 3-7 December 2018.
F. Netjasov, D. Crnogorac, G. Pavlović,
"Assessment of Future Air Traffic Management System Safety Performances using Network-based Simulation Model",
The SESAR Innovation Days SID2018,Salcburg, Austria, 3-7 December 2018.
J. Cañas, P. Ferreira, P. Lopez de Frutos, E. Puntero, E. López, F. Gómez-Comendador, F. de Crescenzio, F. Lucchi, F. Netjasov, B. Mirković
Mental Workload in the explanation of Automation effects on ATCo performance
Proceedings of H-WORKLOAD Models and Applications 2018,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 20-21, 2018, session "Mental Workload in Aviation; Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer, 2019, Vol.1012 - Human Mental Workload: Models and Application, pp. 202-221
D. Crnogorac, F. Netjasov,
"Fuzzy Model for the Evaluation of Future ATM Scenarios Safety Performance Indicators"
Proceedings of SYM-OP-IS 2018 (45rd Symposium of Operations Research) at session "Traffic and Transport",
Zlatibor, Serbia, September 16-19, 2018, pp. 398 - 404 (in English)
D. Timotić, F. Netjasov
"Modelling of Runway Excursions with Bayesian Belief Networks"
Proceedings of SYM-OP-IS 2018 (45rd Symposium of Operations Research) at session "Traffic and Transport", pp. 412 - 418, Zlatibor, Serbia, 16-19 September 2018.
Xavier Prats, Cristina Barrado, Fedja Netjasov, Dusan Crnogorac, Goran Pavlović, Ignacio Agüi, Andrija Vidosavljević,
"Enhanced indicators to monitor current ATM performance in Europe. Main findings of the APACHE SESAR Exploratory Research project",
The 8th SESAR Innovation Days (SID2018), Salcburg, Austria, 3-7 December 2018.
F. Fichert, Thi Thuy An Vo, R. Jovanović, N. Ivanov, O. Babić, G. Pavlović, S. Starita, A. Strauss
"Coordinated Capacity Ordering and Trajectory Pricing for better-performing ATM (COCTA):A large scale case study for the European airspace"
Presented at 22ndATRS World Conference
Seoul, South Korea, July 2-5, 2018
F. Netjasov, D. Crnogorac,
"Potential Safety Occurrences as Indicators of Air Traffic Management Safety Performances
A Network Based Simulation Model",
The 8th International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT) 2018, Castelldefels, Spain, 26-29 June 2018.
F. Netjasov,
"Safety hazard identification approach for future highly automated air traffic management concept of operation: experiences from AUTOPACE project" (tutorial),
The 8th International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT) 2018, Castelldefels, Spain, 26-29 June 2018.
F. Netjasov,
"Assessment of Safety Performance Indicators of Future Air Traffic Management System: Experiences From SESAR 2020 Project – APACHE"
Innovation Week - Science Meets Industry, May 28 – June 1, 2018, Belgrade, Serbia.<
S. Sljukic, M. Djogatovic, B. Mirković
"Simulation model for determining the location of runway exit"
Proceedings of 13th Balkan Conference on Operational Research, BALCOR 2018, session "Statistics, Stochastics & Simulation", Belgrade, Serbia, May 25-28, 2018, pp. 365-372 (in English)
R. Jovanović, N. Ivanov, O. Babić, G. Pavlović, S. Starita, A. Strauss, F. Fichert, Thi Thuy An Vo
"Strategic airspace capacity planning in a network under demand uncertainty"
Research Workshop on Volatility in Air Traffic and its impact on ATM Performance
Warsaw, Poland, 15-16 May 2018
B. Mirković, O.Fofana
"Requirement for aircraft stands at seasonal airports"
Presented at COST Action Workshop on Air Transport and Regional Development (ATARD): Case Studies on Remote Regions (TU1408), University of Rouse, Bulgaria, 19-20 April, 2018
B. Mirković, F. Netjasov, T. Krstić Simić, O. Babić
"Safety risk assessment in future automated air traffic management system"
97th Transportation research Board Annual Meeting, session "Current Issues in Aviation", Washington, D.C, USA, January 7-11, 2018,
S. Starita, A. Strauss, R. Jovanović, N. Ivanov, O. Babić, G. Pavlović, F. Fichert
"Coordinated capacity and demand management in a redesigned ATM value chain"
The 7th SESAR Innovation Days (SID 2017), Belgrade, Serbia, November 27-30, 2017
X. Prats, C. Barrado, A. Vidosavljević, D. Delahaye, F. Netjasov, D. Crnogorac,
"Assessing ATM performance with simulation and optimisation tools: The APACHE Project",
The 7th SESAR Innovation Days (SID 2017), Belgrade, Serbia, November 28-30, 2017. pp 8.
F. Netjasov, D. Crnogorac,
"Assessment of Safety Performance Indicators of Future Air Traffic Management System",
Proceedings of SYM-OP-IS 2017 (44rd Symposium of Operations Research) at session "Traffic and Transport", Zlatibor, Serbia, September 25-28, 2017, pp. 734-739 (in English)
B. Mirković, F. Netjasov, T. Krstić Simić, O. Babić
"Methodology for safety risk assessment in future air traffic management concept of operations"
Proceedings of 44th Symposium of Operations Research, SYM-OP-IS 2017, session "Traffic, Transport and Communication", Zlatibor, Serbia, September 25-28, 2017, pp. 729-733 (in English)
E. Ganić, O. Babić, M. Čangalović, M. Stanojević,
"Air traffic assignment to reduce population noise exposure: an approach incorporating human mobility patterns,"
Proceedings of 44th Symposium of Operations Research, SYM-OP-IS 2017, session "Traffic, Transport and Communication", Zlatibor, Serbia, September 25-28, 2017,pp. 746–751.(in English)
F. Netjasov, B. Mirković, T. Krstić Simić, O. Babić,
"Hazard Identification Approach for Future Highly Automated Air Traffic Management Concept of Operation: Experiences From AUTOPACE Project"
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Safety and Security Engineering – SAFE 2017, 6 – 8 September, Rome, Italy, pp 8. and chapter in monograph "WIT Transactions on The Built Environment: Volume 174" (ISBN: 978-1-78466-211-0). WIT Press, UK, 2017
N. Ivanov, R. Jovanović, A. Strauss, S. Starita, F. Fichert
"Patterns of ATC capacity insufficiencies in Europe: an exploratory analysis"
Presented at21st ATRS World Conference,
Antwerp, Belgium, July 2017
F. Fichert, R. Jovanović, N. Ivanov, A. Strauss, S. Starita
"Improving ATM performance in Europe by Coordinated Capacity Ordering and Trajectory Pricing (COCTA) – An institutional framework"
Presented at21st ATRS World Conference,
Antwerp, Belgium, July 2017
E. Ganić , O. Babić
"Air Traffic Assignment to Reduce Population Noise Exposure: An Approach Incorporating Human Mobility Patterns"
Presented at21st ATRS World Conference,
Antwerp, Belgium, July 2017
M. Lazarevic, E. Ganić, N. Ivanov, R. Jovanović,
"Airline dynamic pricing practices in emerging markets: effects of LCC presence".
Presented at 4th COST Action Workshop on Air Transport & Regional Development (TU 1408), Amsterdam, the Netherlands, November 15-16, 2016
A. Strauss, S. Starita, R. Jovanović, N. Ivanov, F. Fichert,
"Maximizing ATM cost-efficiency by flexible provision of airspace capacity".
The 6th SESAR Innovation Days (SID 2016), Delft, the Netherlands, November 8-10, 2016
Ganić E., Radojevic M., Babić O. (2016).
"Influence of aircraft noise on quiet areas".
In Proceedings of 25th International Conference Noise and Vibration, Tara, Serbia, October 27-29, 2016.
T. Krstić Simić, O. Babić
"Influence of airport operations management on flights cost efficiency", (in Serbian)
Proceedings of SYM-OP-IS 2016 (43rd Symposium of Operations Research) at session "Traffic, Transport and Communication", Tara, Serbia, September 20-23, 2016, pp. 591-594
"Airport apron size and structure: sensitivity to traffic characteristics"
Proceedings of 43rd Symposium of Operations Research, SYM-OP-IS 2016, Tara, Serbia, September 20-23, 2016, session "Traffic, Transport and Communication", pp. 559-562
N. Ivanov, F. Netjasov,
"Binary Assignment Optimization - Based Model for Tactical Air Traffic Flow Management Slot Allocation",
Proceedings of SYM-OP-IS 2016 (43rd Symposium of Operations Research) at session "Traffic and Transport", Tara, Serbia, September 20-23, 2016, pp. 553-557 (in English)
F. Netjasov,
"An Overview of Safety Thinking and Accident Modeling Approaches in Air Transport",
Proceedings of SYM-OP-IS 2016 (43rd Symposium of Operations Research) at session "Traffic and Transport", Tara, Serbia, September 20-23, 2016, pp. 545-548 (in English)
N. Ivanov, F. Netjasov, R. Jovanović,
"Utilizing schedule buffers to reduce propagated delay: A new approach for tactical Air Traffic Flow Management slot allocation",
The 7th International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT) 2016, Philadelphia, USA, 20-24 June 2016.
R. Jovanović, O. Babić, M. Zivanovic, V. Tošić
"Efficiency vs. flexibility in ATM: can pricing help?"
The 5th SESAR Innovation Days (SID 2015), Bologna, Italy, 1-3 December 2015
B. Mirković,
"How hubs are different from other airports: an airside capacity perspective"
2nd COST Workshop on the Relationship between Air Transport and Regional Development, London & Cranfield, UK, 17-18 November 2015 (presented by R. Jovanović)
F. Netjasov
"Terminal Airspace Traffic Complexity as a Task-load and Safety Performance Indicator",
Proceedings of SYM-OP-IS 2015 (42th Symposium of Operations Research) at session "Traffic, Transport and Communication", Srebrno jezero, Serbia, September 15-18, 2015, pp. 4 (electronic issue, in English)
T. Krstić Simić, O. Babić
"Impact of traffic management measures on airport operating performance", (in serbian)
Proceedings of SYM-OP-IS 2015 (42nd Symposium of Operations Research) at session "Traffic, Transport and Communication", Silver Lake, Serbia, September 15-18, 2015, pp. 508-511
S. Cvijetic, F. Netjasov
"Functional Resonance Analysis Method and its application on mid-air collision over Zagreb ",
Proceedings of SYM-OP-IS 2015 (42th Symposium of Operations Research) at session "Traffic, Transport and Communication", Srebrno jezero, Serbia, September 15-18, 2015, pp. 5 (electronic issue)
E. Ganić, M. Dobrota, O. Babić
"Noise Abatement Measures on Airports: Mutual Dependence", (in english)
Proceedings of SYM-OP-IS 2015 (42nd Symposium of Operations Research) at session "Traffic, Transport and Communication", Silver Lake, Serbia, September 15-18, 2015, pp. 500-503
E. Ganić, M. Dobrota, and O. Babić,
"Implementing Noise Abatement Measures on Airports: Statistical Analysis of the Influential Factors," (in english)
in BALCOR 2015 The 12th Balkan Conference on Operational Research Book of Abstracts,Constanta, Romania, September 9-13, 2015, vol. XVIII, no. 2, p. 43.503
B. Mirković, V. Tošić
"Functional relationship between the runway system and apron/gate area under different demand characteristics"
18th EURO Working Group on Transportation Meeting, EWGT 2015, Delft, The Netherlands, 14-16 July, 2015, session "Air Transport", Transportation Research Procedia Vol.10, 2015, pp. 891-899
R. Jovanović, O. Babić, V. Tošić
"Pricing to reconcile predictability, efficiency and equity in ATM",
11th USA/Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar, Lisbon, Portugal, 23-26 June 2015
F. Netjasov,
"Development, Validation, and Application of Stochastically and Dynamically Colored Petri Net Model of Airborne Collision Avoidance System Operations for Safety Assessment Purposes"
Transportation Research Board, 94th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, January 11-15, 2015.
F. Netjasov,
"Air Traffic Management and the Future of Safety Research"
Transportation Research Board, 94th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, January 11-15, 2015.
T. Bolic, R. Jovanović, D. Rigonat, A. Cook, G. Tanner, L. Castelli
"Better pricing strategies for ATM?"
The 4th SESAR Innovation Days (SID 2014), Madrid, Spain, 25-27 November 2014
E. Ganić, F. Netjasov, O. Babić
"Analysis of Noise Abatement Measures on European Airports"
Proceeding of XXIV Conference "Noise and Vibration", Nis, Serbia, October 29-31, 2014. (CD issue).
"Regulations and practice concerning noise-related restrictions in Serbia"
Workshop on EU regulations concerning noise-related restrictions on airports and operations of airplanes,
organized by the Technical Assistance Information Exchange Instrument (TAIEX) of the European Commission, in cooperation with Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Belgrade, Serbia, October 3, 2014
N. Ivanov, F. Netjasov
"Review of Decision Support Systems in Air Transport System",
Proceedings of SYM-OP-IS 2014 (41st Symposium of Operations Research) at session "Traffic, Transport and Communication", Divcibare, Serbia, September 16-19, 2014, pp. 570-574
B.Mirković, V.Tošić
"Runway-apron functional relationship"
SYM-OP-IS 2014 (41st Symposium of Operations Research), Divcibare, Serbia, September 16-19, 2014, pp. 598-603.
F. Netjasov, V. Tošić
"Validation of Model of Safety Critical Air Traffic Operations, Case Study: Airborne Collision Avoidance System",
Proceedings of SYM-OP-IS 2014 (41st Symposium of Operations Research) at session "Traffic, Transport and Communication", Divcibare, Serbia, September 16-19, 2014, pp. 604-609.
N. Ivanov, F. Netjasov
"Review of Decision Support Systems in Air Transport System",
Proceedings of 18th Air Transport Research Society (ATRS) World Conference, Bordeaux, France, July 17-20, 2014, (CD Issue)
N. Ivanov, R. Jovanović
"Effects of route competition on the dynamics of airline pricing in emerging markets"
Presentation at 18th Air Transport Research Society (ATRS) World Conference, 17-20 July 2014, Bordeaux, France
B.Mirković, V.Tošić
"A model to estimate apron capacity at hub airports"
18th Air Transport Research Society (ATRS) World Conference, Bordeaux, France, July 17-20, 2014
B.Mirković, V.Tošić
"Airport Apron Roundabout – Operational Concept and Capacity Evaluation"
The 6th International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT) 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 26-30 May 2014.
T.Krstić Simić, O. Babić, V. Andrić
"Influence of Airport Operations Management on Traffic Complexity and Efficiency"
The 6th International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT) 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 26-30 May 2014.
B.Mirković, A. Vidosavljević, V.Tošić
"Resource allocation tool: airport terminal/apron complex"
43rd European SIMMOD User Group Meeting, Brussels, Belgium, April 24-25, 2014
F. Netjasov, O. Babić,
"Framework for Airspace Planning and Design Based on Conflict Risk Assessment",
2nd International Conference on Interdisciplinary Science for Innovative Air Traffic Management (ISIATM 2013), Toulouse, France, July 8-10, 2013, pp. 19.
B. Mirković, A. Vidosavljević and V. Tošić
"A tool to support resource allocation at small-to-medium seasonal airport"
17th Air Transport Research Society (ATRS) World Conference , Bergamo, Italy, June 26-29, 2013
V. Bilotkach, S. Gitto, R. Jovanović, J. Mueller, E. Pels,
"Cost-efficiency benchmarking of European air navigation service providers: problem, past efforts and a way forward"
17th Air Transport Research Society (ATRS) World Conference , Bergamo, Italy, June 26-29, 2013,
B. Mirković, V. Andrić and V.Tošić
"Prince Mohammad Bin Abdulaziz International Airport at Medina - Airfield Operations Simulation Study"
41st European SIMMOD User Group Meeting , Belgrade, Serbia, April 26-29, 2013
Dj. Samardzija, O. Babić
"Air Traffic Control Decision Support System for the Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions",
Proceedings of SYM-OP-IS 2012 (39th Symposium of Operations Research) at session "Research and Development", Tara, Serbia, September 25-28, 2012, pp. 277-280
M. Lazarevic, O. Babić
"Model for Aircraft Gate Assignment Problem to Minimize Passenger Walking Distances",
Proceedings of SYM-OP-IS 2012 (39th Symposium of Operations Research) at session "Traffic, Transport and Communications", Tara, Serbia, September 25-28, 2012, pp. 561-564
F. Netjasov, O. Babić
"Conflict Risk Assessment Model for Airspace Operational and Current Day Planning",
Proceedings of SYM-OP-IS 2012 (39th Symposium of Operations Research) at session "Traffic, Transport and Communications", Tara, Serbia, September 25-28, 2012, pp. 565-568
M. Jovanović, O. Babić
"Simulation Model of the ACC Sector for Determining the Level of Air Traffic Controller Workload",
Proceedings of SYM-OP-IS 2012 (39th Symposium of Operations Research) at session "Traffic, Transport and Communications", Tara, Serbia, September 25-28, 2012, pp. 589-592
F. Netjasov, O. Babić,
"Conflict Risk Assessment Model for Airspace Operational and Current Day Planning",
Proceedings of the INAIR 2012 - International Conference on Air Transport,
Zilina, Slovakia, September 20-21, 2012
R. Jovanović, V. Tošić, M. Stanojevic, M. Čangalović
"Self-financing modulation of air navigation charges to incentivise a more efficient use of airspace capacity",
The 5th International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT) 2012, University of California, Berkeley, USA, 22-25 May 2012.
* Paper awarded as the best paper in the "Air Transport Economics and Policy" track of the ICRAT 2012 Conference.
V. Andrić, M. Kalić,
"Airline Discrete Choice Model at the "Nikola Tesla" Airport, Belgrade",
Proceedings of SYM-OP-IS 2011 (38th Symposium of Operations Research) at session "Traffic, Transport and Communications", Zlatibor, Serbia, October 4-7, 2011, pp. 669-672 (in English)
M. Elenkov, V. Andrić, O. Babić,
"Flexible Use of Airspace",
Proceedings of SYM-OP-IS 2011 (38th Symposium of Operations Research) at session "Traffic, Transport and Communications", Zlatibor, Serbia, October 4-7, 2011, pp. 677-680 (in English)
N. Ivanov, M. Kalić,
"Market Segmentation of Air Passengers Using Cluster Analysis: Belgrade Airport Case",
Proceedings of SYM-OP-IS 2011 (38th Symposium of Operations Research) at session "Traffic, Transport and Communications", Zlatibor, Serbia, October 4-7, 2011, pp. 681-684 (in English)
B. Mirković,
"Analysis of Airport Elements Usage in Respect to Different Users",
Proceedings of SYM-OP-IS 2011 (38th Symposium of Operations Research) at session "Traffic, Transport and Communications", Zlatibor, Serbia, October 4-7, 2011, pp. 697-700 (in English)
F. Netjasov, A. Vidosavljević, V. Tošić,
"Safety Analysis of Airborne Collision Avoidance System Operations",
Proceedings of SYM-OP-IS 2011 (38th Symposium of Operations Research) at session "Traffic, Transport and Communications", Zlatibor, Serbia, October 4-7, 2011, pp. 701-704 (in English)
T. Krstić Simić, F. Netjasov, V. Tošić,
"Air traffic complexity: a function of traffic characteristics",
European Conference on Complex Systems 2011 – ECCS 2011 (Proceedings of the Satellite Meeting: Complexity and the Future of Transportation Systems, pp 10-13), Vienna, Austria, September 15, 2011.
"Airport apron capacity estimation – model enhancement" ,
Proceedings of the 14th EWGT (EURO Working Group on Transportation) Meeting, 26th MEC (Mini-EURO) Conference and 1 st European Scientific Conference on Air Transport (Procedia - Social and Behavioural Sciences, Vol. 20, pp. 1108-1117), Poznan, Poland, September 6-9, 2011.
O. Babić, M. Kalić, D. Babić, S. Dožić,
"The airline schedule optimization model: validation and sensitivity analysis" ,
Proceedings of the 14th EWGT (EURO Working Group on Transportation) Meeting, 26th MEC (Mini-EURO) Conference and 1 st European Scientific Conference on Air Transport (Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 20, pp. 1029-1040), Poznan, Poland, September 6-9, 2011.
F. Netjasov, A. Vidosavljević, V. Tošić, H. Blom,
"Systematic Validation of a Mathematical Model of ACAS Operations for Safety Assessment Purposes" ,
9th US/Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar, Berlin, Germany, June 14 - 17, 2011.
B. Mirković,
"FTTE Experience in Fast Time Simulation",
37th Meeting of ESUG - European SIMMOD User Group , Toulouse, France, April 14-15, 2011.
F. Netjasov,
"Conflict Risk Assessment Model for Airspace Tactical Planning" ,
Proceedings of SYM-OP-IS 2010 (37th Symposium of Operations Research) at session "Traffic and Transport", Tara, Serbia, September 21-24, 2010, pp. 673-676 (in English)
A. Vidosavljević,
"Runway Capacity Analysis as a Function of Exit Type and Location" ,
Proceedings of SYM-OP-IS 2010 (37th Symposium of Operations Research) at session "Traffic and Transport", Tara, Serbia, September 21-24, 2010, pp. 701-704 (in Serbian)
N. Ivanov, D. Marsh
"Case Study: Google Data as Explanatory Variable for Short Term Forecast of Air Traffic" ,
Proceedings of SYM-OP-IS 2010 (37th Symposium of Operations Research) at session "Traffic and Transport", Tara, Serbia, September 21-24, 2010, pp. 757-760 (in English)
F. Netjasov,
"Conflict Risk Assessment Model for Airspace Strategic Planning" ,
Proceedings (CD) of the 14th ATRS World Conference (Paper No. 136.), Porto, Portugal, July 06-09, 2010
T. Krstić Simić, V. Tošić,
"Airfield Traffic Complexity" ,
Proceedings (CD) of the 14th ATRS World Conference (Paper No. 144.), Porto, Portugal, July 06-09, 2010
B. Mirković,
"Airfield Modelling - State of the Art" ,
Proceedings (CD) of the 14th ATRS World Conference (Paper No. 146.), Porto, Portugal, July 06-09, 2010
R. Jovanović, L. Castelli, O. Babić, V. Tošić,
"Effects on Airline Costs of Different Air Traffic Management Scenarios: an Assessment Method Based on Fast-time Simulation Outputs",
14th Air Transport Research Society Conference , Porto, Portugal, July 06-09, 2010.
R. Jovanović,
"Modulation of Route Charges as a Method to Relieve the Airspace Congestion: Problem, Past Contributions and a Way Forward",
Proceedings (CD) of the 14th ATRS World Conference (Paper No. 193.), Porto, Portugal, July 06-09, 2010
A. Vidosavljević, V. Tošić,
"Modeling of Turnaround Process Using Petri Nets" ,
Proceedings (CD) of the 14th ATRS World Conference (Paper No. 272.), Porto, Portugal, July 06-09, 2010
F. Netjasov, A. Vidosavljević, V. Tošić, M. Everdij, H. Blom
"Stochastically and Dynamically Coloured Petri Net Model of ACAS Operations" ,
Proceeding of the 4th International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT) 2010, pp. 449-456, Budapest, Hungary, 01-04 June 2010.
B. Mirković,
"Building the Trust in the Model: RAMS PLUS Case" ,
Proceedings of SYM-OP-IS 2009 (36th Symposium of Operations Research) at session "Traffic and Transport", Ivanjica, Serbia, September 22-25, 2009, pp. 655-658 (in English)
F. Netjasov,
"Conflict Risk Assessment Model for Airspace Strategic Planning" ,
Proceedings of SYM-OP-IS 2009 (36th Symposium of Operations Research) at session "Traffic and Transport", Ivanjica, Serbia, September 22-25, 2009, pp. 667-670 (in English)
R. Jovanović, L. Castelli, O. Babić, and V. Tošić,
"A Method to Assess Economic Effects of Different ATM Scenarios Using Fast-Time Simulations",
Paper presented at the Conference on ATM Economics, organized by German Aviation Research Society (G.A.R.S.) and University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, September 10, 2009.
S. Dožić, M. Kalić, O. Babić, M. Čangalović,
"Heuristic approach to the airline schedule disturbances problem: multi-fleet case",
Proceedings of the 4th Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling: Theory and Applications (MISTA 2009), Dublin, Ireland, August 10 – 12, 2009, pp. 311-320.
A. Cook, G. Tanner, R. Jovanović, and A. Lawes,
"The Cost of Delay to Air Transport in Europe - Quantification and Management",
Proceedings (CD) of the 13th ATRS World Conference (Paper No. 107.), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, June 27 - 30, 2009.
R. Jovanović, V. Tošić,
"Financing Air Traffic Infrastructure in Serbia",
Conference: Reforming the Transport Sector to Promote Country Competitiveness, organised by Centre for Liberal-Democratic Studies and the World Bank, Belgrade, Serbia, May 9, 2009.
F. Netjasov, M. Janić, V. Tošić,
"The Future Air Transport System: Looking for Generic Metrics of Complexity for Terminal Airspace" ,
Proceedings of the 88th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington (DC), USA, January 11-15, 2009.
R. Jovanović,
"The cost of passenger delays to airlines: an assessment of the impact of the regulation (EC) 261/2004",
Proceeding of 12th Air Transport Research Society (ATRS) World Conference, Athens, Greece, July 06-10, 2008.
R. Jovanović,
"Demand Management Options for the Air Traffic Management (ATM) System Congestion: Problem, past contributions and an avenue forward",
5th Amsterdam Aviation Conference - Junior Researchers' Workshop , organized by German Aviation Research Society (G.A.R.S.) and Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 3-4, 2008.
F. Netjasov, M. Janić,
"A Review of the Research on Risk and Safety Modelling in Civil Aviation" ,
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT) 2008, pp. 169-176, Fairfax (VA), USA, 1-4 June 2008.
F. Netjasov,
"Modern Measures for Noise Level Reduction in Airport Surrounding" ,
Proceedings of XX Conference "Noise and Vibration" (CD issue, in Serbian), Tara, Serbia, October 11-13, 2006.
O. Babić, F. Netjasov,
"Modelling of Flow Choice for Air Traffic Control Planning Purposes" ,
Proceedings of SYM-OP-IS 2006 (33rd Symposium of Operations Research) at session "Traffic and Transport", Banja Koviljaca, Serbia, October 3-6, 2006, pp. 441-444 (in English)
B. Mirković, V. Tošić,
"Capacity Evaluation of Roundabout Intersection versus Conventional Apron Crossing",,
Proceedings of the European Modelling Symposium 2006 at session "Built Environment", London, United Kingdom, September 11-12, 2006, pp. 144-148
Babić, O., Kalić, M., Pavković, G., Dožić, S., Čangalović, M.
"A Decision Support System for Airline Daily Flight Scheduling",
EURO XXI - 21st European Conference on Operational Research , Reykjavík, Iceland, July 2 – 5, 2006, pp. 192-193.
R. Jovanović,
"Effects on Airline Delay Costs of Delayed Passengers: Some preliminary findings",
German Aviation Research Society (G.A.R.S.) " Junior Researchers' Workshop & Workshop on EU Liberalization of Air Transport - Experience and the Next Steps Forward", organized by G.A.R.S. and Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 29-July 1, 2006.
F. Netjasov,
"Air Traffic Assignment As a Noise Abatement Measure. Case Study: Zurich Airport, Switzerland" ,
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT) 2006, pp. 13-18, Belgrade, Serbia, 24-28 June 2006.
I. Poltoracki,
"Functional Relationship of Elements of Apron and Terminal Building at the Airport" ,
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT) 2006, pp. 57-66, Belgrade, Serbia, 24-28 June 2006.
*Paper awarded by the Programme Committee as the Best Paper in the "Airport Operations" Session
R. Jovanović,
"Generalised Intrinsic Characteristics as a Forecasting Tool: A dynamic perspective" ,
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT) 2006, pp. 155-160, Belgrade, Serbia, 24-28 June 2006.
F. Netjasov,
"A Review of Risk and Safety Modelling in Air Transportation",
Working paper , written during visit to the OTB Research Institute, Delft University of Technology,
Delft, The Netherlands, April 2006, pp. 57
V. Tošić,
"Airspace Management", (Keynote lecture),
IV SITRAER (Simposio de Transporte Aereo) , San Jose dos Campos, Brazil, November 17-18, 2005.
B. Mirković, D. Pavlović,
"Air Traffic Simulation at Munich and ZurichAirports",
4th RAMS (Reorganized ATC Mathematical Simulator) Plus User Group Meeting , Bournemouth, United Kingdom, May 12-13, 2005.
F. Netjasov
"Fuzzy Expert Model For Determination Of Runway In Use, Case Study: Airport Zurich"
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT) 2004, pp. 59-64, Zilina, Slovakia, 22-23 November 2004.
F. Netjasov, T. Krstić, I. Poltoracki,
"Survey Of Traffic And Radar Controller Communication And Workload" ,
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT) 2004, pp. 161-169, Zilina, Slovakia, 22-23 November 2004.
M. Cujic,
"An Analysis Of The Task List Impact Upon RAMS Workload Calculations" ,
Proceedings of the "1st International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT) 2004, pp. 179-188, Zilina, Slovakia, 22-23 November 2004.
R. Jovanović,
"Passengers' Choice Between Competing Airports" ,
Proceedings of the "1st International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT) 2004, pp. 219-227, Zilina, Slovakia, 22-23 November 2004.
*Paper awarded as the best paper in the "Airport Operations 2" Session
F. Netjasov,
"Terminal Airspace Traffic Complexity" ,
Proceedings of the "1st International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT) 2004, pp. 261-267, Zilina, Slovakia, 22-23 November 2004.
F. Netjasov,
"Air traffic management as a measure of noise exposure decrease in airport surrounding" ,
Proceedings of XIX Yugoslav Conference with International Participation "Noise and Vibration" (CD issue), Nis, Serbia and Montenegro, October 14-15, 2004.
S. Nedeljković, V. Jakimovska, O. Babić, M. Čangalović,
"Daily Operational Flight Schedule",
EURO XX Conference : "Operations Research and The Management of Electronic Services", Rhodes, Greece, July 04 - 07, 2004.
Paper was also presented at SYM-OP-IS 2004 (XXXI Yugoslav Symposium on Operations Research), Serbia and Montenegro, September 13-17, 2004. pp. 233-238.
F. Netjasov,
"Experience with Capacity Estimation Methods in RAMS",
3rd RAMS (Reorganized ATC Mathematical Simulator) Plus User Group Meeting , Lisbon, Portugal, May 13-14, 2004.
F. Netjasov,
"Fuzzy Expert Model for Determination of Runway in Use, Case study: Airport Zurich" (in English)
Proceedings of XXX Yugoslav Symposium on Operations Research (SYM-OP-IS 2003), pp. 619-622, Herceg Novi, Serbia and Montenegro, September 30 - October 3 2003.
Paper is also published in INFO M - Journal for Information Technology and Multimedia Systems, under the name "Fuzzy Expert Supporting System for Determination of Runway in Use, Case Study: Airport Zurich" (in Serbian), Vol. 8, 2003, pp 4-8.
V. Tošić, F. Netjasov,
"Terminal Airspace Traffic Complexity Metric" ,
5th EURO/INFORMS Joint International Meeting , Istanbul, Turkey, July 6 - 13, 2003, paper ID 3270.
M. Askovic,
"Comparison of RAMS and SIMMOD Simulators",
2nd RAMS Plus User Group Meeting , Budapest, Hungary, April 28-29, 2003.
B Pesic, Nicolas Durand, Jean-Marc Alliot,
"Aircraft Ground Traffic Optimization using a Genetic Algorithm",
Proceedings of the "Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, GECCO-2001" International Conference, San Francisco, USA, July 7-11, 2001.
T. Bolic,
"Situational Awareness in ATC",
Proceedings of the "Ergonomija 2000" organized by Yugoslav Ergonomic society, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, December 15, 2000, pp 17-22.
F. Netjasov, T. Krstić, I. Poltoracki,
"Traffic, Communication and Workload in ATC",
Proceedings of the "Ergonomija 2000" organized by Yugoslav Ergonomic society, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, December 15, 2000, pp 7-16.
T. Tuntev, O. Babić,
"Minimizing the Number of Apron Accidents Using the Zero Accident Philosophy-ZAP",
Proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific Symposium of Traffic Engineers, Organized by the Association of Traffic Engineers of the Republic of Macedonia, Ohrid, Macedonia, September 28-30, 2000.
M. Kalić, V. Tošić,
"Soft Demand Analysis: Belgrade Case Study",
Paper presented at the 8th Meeting of the Euro Working Group Transportation EWGT-"Improving Knowledge and Tools for Transportation and Logistics Development", Rome, Italy, September 11-14, 2000.
O. Babić, M. Čangalović, Lj. Vasov,
"Heuristic Algorithm for Airspace Operational Sectorization",
Paper presented at the 8th Meeting of the Euro Working Group Transportation EWGT-"Improving Knowledge and Tools for Transportation and Logistics Development", Rome, Italy, September 11-14, 2000.
O. Babić, M. Čangalović, Lj. Vasov,
"Airspace Daily Operational Sectorization",
Proceedings of XXVI Yugoslav Symposium on Operations Research (SYM-OP-IS) 1999, pp 459-462, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 4-6 November 1999.
V. Tošić,
"Air Traffic Simulation Model Validation",
Proceedings of the International Conference: "Modeling and Management in Transportation", Organized by Poznan and Cracow Universities and the EURO Working Group in Transportation, Poznan-Krakow, Poland, October 12-16, 1999, pp 115-121.
O. Babić, M. Čangalović, Lj. Vasov,
"Airspace Daily Operational Sectorization",
Proceedings of the International Conference: "Modeling and Management in Transportation", Organized by Poznan and Cracow Universities and the EURO Working Group in Transportation, Poznan-Krakow, Poland, October 12-16, 1999, pp 99-103.
O. Babić, T. Tuntev,
"Aeronautical Infrastructure in Republic of Macedonia",
Proceeding of Scientific Symposium of Traffic Engineers, organised by the Union of Traffic Engineers (SSI) of the Republic of Macedonia, Ohrid, Macedonia, September 23-25, 1999, pp. 9-14.
B. Pesic, D. Delahaye,
"Daily Operational Airspace Sector Grouping",
Working paper , EUROCONTROL research grant, ENAC, Toulouse, France, April 27, 1999.
V. Tošić, O. Babić, V. Medenica, B. Bilbija,
"Air Traffic Safety",
2nd Congress on Transport: "Long Term Development of Transport in Yugoslavia", Belgrade, Yugoslavia, November, 1999.
O. Babić, V.Tošić, V. Medenica, B. Bilbija,
"Aeronautical Infrastructure in Federal Republic of Yugoslavia",
2nd Congress on Transport: "Long Term Development of Transport in Yugoslavia", Belgrade, Yugoslavia, November, 1999.
O. Babić, S. Zdravkovic,
"Proposed Methodology for Air Traffic Controllers' Workload Estimation",
Proceedings SYM-OP-IS '98, (Symposium on Operations Research), Herceg Novi, Yugoslavia, September 21-24, 1998, pp. 775-778.
Lj. Vasov, O. Babić,V. Tošić,
"An Air Traffic Simulation Model",
Proceedings SYM-OP-IS '98, (Symposium on Operations Research), Herceg Novi, Yugoslavia, September 21-24, 1998, pp. 643-646.
V. Tošić, O. Babić, T. Krstić,
"A Model to Minimize Runway Operation Costs",
paper presented at the invited session "Transportation I" - EURO XVI, "Innovation and Quality of Life", the 16th European Conference on Operational Research, Brussels, Belgium, July 12-15, 1998.
The paper was also presented by V. Tošić at the Air Traffic Management Seminar, NEXTOR (National Center of Excellence for Aviation Operations Research), Institute of Transportation Studies (ITS), University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, USA, September 03, 1998.
Z. Radosavljevic, O. Babić,
"Optimization of Fighter Formations Assignment to the Free Lance Areas",
Proceedings SYM-OP-IS '97, (Symposium on Operations Research), Becici, Yugoslavia, October 7-10, 1997, pp. 723-726.
O. Babić, T. Krstić,
"Airspace Daily Operational Sectorization by Fuzzy Logic",
paper presented at 9th Mini EURO Conference, Fuzzy Sets in Traffic and Transport Systems, Budva, Yugoslavia, September 17-19, 1997.
V. Tošić, O. Babić, M. Čangalović, Dj. Hohlacov,
"Flow Management Problem in the Air Traffic Control",
paper presented at Meeting of EWG (EURO Working Group) on Transportation, Budva, Yugoslavia, September 15-16,1997.
V. Tošić, "Optimizing Airport Airside Operation",
paper presented at the invited session "Transportation modelling", EURO XV / INFORMS XXXIV - "OR/MS for the New Millennium", Barcelona, Spain, July 14-17,1997.
V. Tošić, O. Babić, M. Čangalović, Dj. Hohlacov,
"A Model to Solve En-Rute Air Traffic Flow Management Problem: A Temporal and Spatial Case",
paper presented at 1st USA/Europe Air Traffic Management R&D Seminar, Saclay, France, June 16-18, 1997.
A. Ramadani,
"Simulation of Traffic on BostonLoganInternationalAirport",
paper presented at SINFON '96, Zlatibor, Yugoslavia, November 8-11, 1996.
M. Osoba, S. Samardzija, V. Tošić,
"Information Display System for Airport Passengers and Employees",
YU INFO (Yugoslav Symposium on Computer Science) , Brezovica, Yugoslavia, April 2-5, 1996.
A. Ramadani, V. Tošić,
"Air Traffic Simulation at Belgrade Airport Using SIMMOD",
paper presented at SYM-OP-IS '95 (XXII Yugoslav Symposium on Operations Research), Donji Milanovac, Yugoslavia, October 3-7, 1995, pp.
V. Tošić, O. Babić, M. Čangalović, Dj. Hohlacov,
"A Model to Solve En Route Air Traffic Flow Management Problem: A Temporal and Spatial Case",
paper presented at SYM-OP-IS '95 (XXII Yugoslav Symposium on Operations Research), Donji Milanovac, Yugoslavia, October 3-7, 1995, pp. 733-736.
V. Tošić, O. Babić, M. Čangalović, Dj. Hohlacov,
"Some Models and Algorithms for En Route Air Traffic Flow Management",
paper presented at the EURO XIV conference - "OR: Towards Intelligent Decision Support", Jerusalem, Israel, July 3-6, 1995.
V. Tošić, O. Babić, M. Čangalović, Dj. Hohlacov,
"Experiences with air traffic flow management models and algorithms",
paper presented at AMIS II conference (Aviation Modelling International Symposium) organized by EUROCONTROL and FAA, Luxembourg, April 26-28, 1995.
M. Hadzic, O. Babić,
"Air Traffic Control System",
Proceedings of IV Yugoslav Conference "Yugoslavia in International Transport Environment",
Belgrade, Yugoslavia, November 3-4, 1994, pp. 69-83.
V. Tošić, O. Babić, M. Čangalović, Dj. Hohlacov,
"Air Traffic Flow Management Modeling - Experiments with models which allow arbitrary delay cost function",
Proceedings SYM-OP-IS '94 (XXI Yugoslav Symposium on Operations Research), Kotor, Yugoslavia, October 4-7, 1994, pp. 685-688.
V. Tošić, O. Babić, M. Čangalović, Dj. Hohlacov ,
"Some flow management algorithms",
paper presented at the EURO XIII/OR 36 conference - "Operational Research - Designing Practical Solutions", Glasgow, Great Britain, July 19-22, 1994.
V. Tošić, O. Babić, M. Čangalović, Dj. Hohlacov,
"Some Models and Algorithms for En Route Air Traffic Flow Management - Formulation and Proposed Solution",
Preprints TRISTAN II - Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis, Capri, Italy, June 23-28, 1994, pp. 693-710.
V. Tošić, O. Babić,
"Modelling Passenger Terminal Operations at Medium-Sized Airports",
invited paper, Preprints Air Transport in Central Europe Conference, organized by the University of Transport and Communications, Ziline,
Demanovska Dolina - Jasna, SlovakRepublic, October 19-21, 1993, p. 45.
V. Tošić, O. Babić, M. Čangalović, Dj. Hohlacov,
"Air Traffic Flow Management Modeling - Problem Formulation and LP-based solution",
Proceedings SYM-OP-IS '93 (Symposium on Operations Research), Belgrade, Yugoslavia, October 5-8, 1993, pp. 335-338.