Obrad Babić

Retired as from 1st October, 2018; involved with APATC on a part time basis

Scientific fields

Air Traffic Control/Management Modelling/Simulations
Air Traffic Complexity Modelling/Analysis
Airport Planning and Design
Air transport: operations, management, planning, design, analysis, modelling, safety, economics and environmental protection in particular in air traffic management;


Prof. dr Obrad Babić (male) retired as from 1st October, 2018; involved with APATC on a part time basis; is former Head of the APATC at UB-FTTE. Educated at University of Belgrade, where he received his dipl. ing., M.S. (Magister) and PhD, all in Air Transport and Traffic Engineering. Additional scientific experience he gained as a guest researcher at Technical University of Berlin (Germany) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA). He has a working experience of 40 years in the ATC/ATM domain. His main fields of interest are: Air Traffic Control/Management; Air Traffic Analysis, Modelling and Forecasting; Airport Planning, Design and Operations. He has been teaching courses in those areas for almost 30 years. Professional engineer, author, co-author and project manager on nearly 80 projects related to ATM and airports. Author and co-author of more than 75 papers and co-author of the textbook “Air Traffic Control” (2011, in Serbian language). Guest professor at universities in Delaware (USA); Ljubljana (Slovenija), Trieste (Italy) and Zilina (Slovakia).



  • Bojana Mirković, Vojin Tošić, Obrad Babić
    "Airports - Practicum" - E-Book
    ISBN 978-86-7395-459-2
    Publisher: University of Belgrade - Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Belgrade, 2022.

  • Obrad Babić, Fedja Netjasov
    "Air Traffic Control" - textbook (in Serbian language)
    ISBN 978-86-7395-289-5
    Publisher: Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Belgrade, 2011 (1st ed.), 2016 (2nd ed.), 2020 (3rd ed)
  • Fedja Netjasov, Obrad Babić
    "Air Traffic Control 2 – Design of Instrument Departure and Arrival Procedures" - textbook (in Serbian language)
    ISBN 978-86-7395-324-3
    Publisher: Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Belgrade, 2014 (1st ed.), 2016 (2nd ed.), 2021 (3rd ed)

  • Bojana Mirković, Vojin Tošić, Obrad Babić
    "Airports - Practicum"(in Serbian language)
    ISBN 978-86-7395-262-8
    Publisher: Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Belgrade, 2010.

  • Vojin Tošić and Obrad Babić
    “Handbook for annual project for course Airports”
    University of Belgrade, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, 1980.

Chapters in International Monographs

  • Књига наслов и подаци
  • Књига наслов и подаци
  • Књига наслов и подаци
  • Књига наслов и подаци

Papers published in International Scientific Journals (SCI List- Journal Citation Reports)

Papers published in National Scientific Journals

  • Рад наслов и подаци
  • Рад наслов и подаци
  • Рад наслов и подаци
  • Рад наслов и подаци


  • Coordinated capacity ordering and trajectory pricing for better-performing ATM (COCTA)
    Institute of UB-FTTE, in cooperation with University of Warwick and University of Applied Sciences Worms
    Horizon 2020 - SESAR research and innovation programme, GA 699326
    April 2016 – September 2018

  • A support to sustainable development of the Republic of Serbia's air transport system
    Institute of UB-FTTE
    Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Belgrade, Serbia, 2011-2014 (extended to 2019) research programme in technological development, 36033
    2011 - April 2019 (extended to December 2021)

  • Methods for evaluation of development scenarios of the air transport system in Serbia (airlines, airports, ATC) – safety, efficiency, economic and environmental aspects
    Institute of UB-FTTE
    Ministry of Science and Technological Development, Belgrade, Serbia, 2008-2011 research programme in technological development, Project Number 15023
    April 2008 - December 2010

  • Economic performance indicators in support of mathematical air traffic control (ATC) simulations (EPISMAS)
    Institute of UB-FTTE
    Client: EUROCONTROL CRDS, Budapest, Hungary
    November 2007 - July 2009

  • Reduced Separation Minima (RESET)
    AENA, Institute of UB-FTTE in cooperation with 14 European aviation institutions and the United States Federal Aviation Administration
    European Commission DG TREN, Brussels, Belgium under 6th Framework Programme
    October 2006 - July 2010

  • Capacity Evaluation of Apron Taxilane Circle vs. Standard Apron Crossing
    Institute of UB-FTTE
    Client: Munich International Airport, Munich, Germany
    May 2006

  • Fast Time Simulation for the Serbia and Montenegro Airspace - Phase I
    Institute of UB-FTTE and EUROCONTROL CRDS (CEATS Research, Development and Simulation Centre), Budapest, Hungary
    Client: Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Services Agency (SMATSA) Ltd, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro
    September 2005 - March 2006

  • Norway Fast Time Simulation Study
    Institute of UB-FTTE, EUROCONTROL CRDS (CEATS Research, Development and Simulation Centre), Budapest, Hungary and NAR Consulting, Oslo, Norway
    Client: AVINOR (Norwegian Civil Aviation Authority), Oslo, Norway
    November 2003 - June 2004

  • Niš Airport Reconstruction Project - Cooperation in Project Management
    Institute of UB-FTTE
    Client:Nordic Aviation Resources (NAR), Oslo, Norway
    July 2002-September 2003

  • Flow Control Algorithms for En Route Air Traffic Control
    Institute of UB-FTTE
    Three-year research grant from US-Yugoslav Joint Board for Scientific and Technological Cooperation. US sponsoring Agency: Department of Transportation (US DOT); US joint research partner: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

  • New Technologies and Decision Support in Air Traffic Control, Part I: Definition of the Planning and Management Process and Assessment of Decision Support Needs
    Institute of UB-FTTE
    Federal Ministry of Science, Technology and Development, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
    February 1995


  • Патент наслов и подаци
  • Патент наслов и подаци
  • Патент наслов и подаци


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Department of Air Transport

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