Предавање Др. Милош Младеновић – Sustainable Urban Mobility Transitions – среда, 20. новембра 2024.

У среду, 20. новембра 2024. године у 13h у Сали 128 Универзитета у Београду – Саобраћајног факултета, колега Милош Младеновић ће одржати предавање под називом „Sustainable Urban Mobility Transitions“.

Предавање ће бити одржано на комбинованом српском и енглеском језику, у трајању од око 40 минута, а након тога следи дискусија на срспком језику, у трајању од 20 минута.

Кратак опис предавања:

The cities worldwide are in a transition, driven by pressures of the wellbeing polycrisis and technological disruption. Modern planners and engineers are facing an array of challenges to steer this transition towards sustainability, and mobility systems remain the main laggard sector. To face the socio-technical complexities involved, there is a need for new concepts, skills and identities. This lecture will unpack the concept of sustainable urban mobility transitions and provide food for thought regarding knowledge, skills and identity of the 21st century mobility system plangineers.  


Miloš Mladenović is Associate Professor at the Spatial Planning and Transportation Engineering Group, Department of Built Environment, and Vice Dean for Research at the School of Engineering – Aalto University, Finland.

His current research interests include the interplay of society and emerging mobility technologies, as well as development of decision-support methods and planning processes.  His previous and current teaching responsibilities include a range of courses in transport systems policy, planning, modeling, management, and design. He has been a deputy leader for MSc program Spatial Planning and Transportation Engineering, as is currently a leader of MSc program Sustainable Urban Mobility Transitions.

Before Aalto, Miloš has obtained his BSc in Transport Engineering from the University of Belgrade, Serbia, and his MSc and PhD in Civil Engineering from Virginia Tech, USA. In addition, he has held a visiting research position at the Spatial Planning and Strategy chair, Delft University of Technology, and is an affiliate member of 4TU Centre for Ethics and Technology, the Netherlands. He is also an editorial board member of open access European Transport Research Review and Journal of Urban Mobility, and has recently finished his engagement within the EU Commission expert group advising on specific ethical issues raised by the promise of automated vehicles.

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