У петак, 13.септембра 2024. године у 11.15h у Сали 128 Универзитета у Београду – Саобраћајног факултета, уважени колега Горан Вук ће одржати предавање под називом "Danish National Travel Model".
Предавање ће бити одржано на енглеском језику у трајању од 40 минута, а након тога је предвиђена дискусија на српском језику (у трајању од око 20 минута).
Кратак опис предавања:
All EU countries own some kind of a National Travel model. Such a model is used in feasibility studies connected to major infrastructure projects. Also, mobility planning and transport analyses benefit from this type of models. Denmark got the first version of the National Travel model in 2010. The model was built at the TU Copenhagen and up to 2022 it was the property of the University. Since then, Danish Road Directorate (Vejdirektoratet) took over the ownership. The present project includes the major upgrade of the model, where also the passenger demand model is included.
This lecture is about the modelling activities included in the Passenger Demand of the Danish National Travel model.
Кратка биографија колеге Горана Вука:
Civil engineer from University of Belgrade (1990)
PhD in travel demand modelling from TU Copenhagen (1994)
Extern lector in Mobility planning – TU Aalborg (last 10 years)
Important projects:
- The Great belt corridor model (1995)
- Denmark-Germany corridor model (1998)
- OTM – a tour-based traffic model for the Greater Copenhagen (ver.1 in 1996 till ver.7 in 2018)
- COMPASS – an activity-based model for the Greater Copenhagen (2021)
- DK National Travel Model (2023-2025)